
Golf Tournament Software

My husband grew up in a sports-centered family. His dad was a high school coach and a Physics teacher in addition to being a part-time Pharmacist. So all of his kids are involved in one or two sports all year. My husband in particular was into basketball, track and baseball. He used to play basketball and baseball until he hurt his knee. Nowadays, he is into golf just like his dad. They play every Tuesday in the summer and fall with his dad's friends. Just like any sport, you need to play a lot to be good in the game. In golf, a player's goal is to get his handicap as low as possible. I showed my husband this website where they have this golf tournament software that can be used by amateur golfers, golf clubs and USGA tournaments. You can either get a Recreational Handicap or a USGA Handicap Index. This website also has many online utilities to help a golfer improve his game and other features only available from this website.

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