
Watch Out for My Christmas Photo Cards

Yes, it is that time of year. I need to choose photos for the family Christmas card. I've been sending photo cards for Christmas ever since we had our daughter. Most of my extended family lives in the other side of the country and the world so this is one of the ways they get to see my kids. It can get expensive especially when you have tons of families and friends so I am always looking for discounts wherever I can find it. I saw the website of VistaPrint.com and liked their design choices and variety of finishes to choose from. You can either choose the regular Glossy Finish or for added small fee, you can get Linen Finish. They have different kinds of photo cards: Photo Folded Cards, 4x8 Photo cards, Holiday Collage cards and Foil Accented Photo cards. I especially liked the Holiday Collage cards, you can have up to 6 photos on it. This is perfect if you have a hard time choosing which photos to use. You also have the option to upload your own card design, that is great for artists out there. They also have what I am looking for, a coupon that I can use for my Christmas photo cards. Just enter the coupon code: XmasFree and you will get 10 Free Holiday Cards. Visit www.VistaPrint.com for your Holiday photo cards this year.

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